Can a 65-Year-Old Man with Moderate Erectile Dysfunction Take Viagra?

Old Wang, who lives next door, is 65 years old and suddenly came over mysteriously, asking if I had any Viagra. I was a bit shocked, thinking how someone of his age would still be interested in taking an erectile dysfunction drug. After some insistence from him, to avoid him overusing it and potentially having an accident, I had no choice but to educate him a bit.


Erectile Dysfunction Severity Levels

  1. Mild
    • Sexual desire is generally normal.
    • Can achieve an erection quickly after sexual stimulation.
    • Masturbation can lead to an erection.
    • During intercourse, the penis can become erect but not last long, or assistance may be needed to enter the vagina.
    • The erection is not firm.
    • Frequency of sexual activity decreases.
  2. Moderate
    • Sexual desire decreases.
    • The erection response is slow after stimulation.
    • Cannot achieve an erection immediately after sexual stimulation.
    • Through masturbation, the penis can barely become erect.
    • During intercourse, the penis often cannot become erect, or if it does, it doesn’t last long.
    • The penis cannot enter the vagina during intercourse.
    • The erection angle is less than 90 degrees, and the firmness is very poor.
    • Frequency of sexual activity significantly decreases, and sexual pleasure is greatly reduced.
  3. Severe
    • Sexual desire disappears. No erection response from stimulation, whether from sensitive areas, sexual stimulation, or masturbation.
    • During intercourse, the penis cannot become erect and cannot enter the vagina.
    • The penis has no erection angle or firmness.
    • Sexual activity stops, and there is no sexual pleasure.

Viagra Treatment Effects & Suitable Users

Viagra’s Treatment Effect Viagra’s main function is to restore normal sexual function, allowing an individual to naturally achieve an erection when sexually aroused. This is the biggest benefit of Viagra – it helps people regain their natural erectile function for a more natural sexual experience. Additionally, Viagra also has a strong delayed action effect. Many people have experimented and found that they can last longer during sex after taking Viagra. Therefore, Viagra is often used as a male enhancement drug. In fact, Viagra is not just for erectile dysfunction; it is also a very effective male enhancement drug. Viagra works for 4-8 hours after ingestion and takes effect quickly.

Suitable Users for Viagra Viagra stays in the body for about 4 hours, primarily metabolized in the liver. About 80% of the metabolites are excreted in the feces, and the other 20% is excreted through urine. Therefore, for patients over 65 years old with poor liver or kidney function, caution should be exercised when using Viagra. Additionally, Viagra should never be combined with nitroglycerin tablets used for treating coronary artery disease. Many of the known cases of death from Viagra have been due to improper use with other medications, so if you are using nitroglycerin tablets, special care is needed.

Medication Suggestions

  1. A complete medical history and thorough physical examination should be conducted to diagnose erectile dysfunction, identify possible underlying causes, and determine the appropriate treatment.
  2. Patients with penile deformities (such as curvature, penile fibrotic changes, or Peyronie’s disease) or potential abnormal erection tendencies (such as sickle cell anemia, multiple myeloma, or leukemia) should be cautious when using erectile dysfunction treatments.

Now, do you understand? Viagra is not a miracle drug. It is simply a medication used to help ED patients achieve an erection. While it can help men over 65 with erectile dysfunction regain sexual pleasure, it does not solve the problem fundamentally. Therefore, do not misuse Viagra, and always consult a doctor before using it.